July 2, 2024


Imagine you see a plane in the sky. But there is something weird, clouds are coming out of it. Today I’m going to explain to you all about this, how it relates to global warming, and how we can fix it. Airplanes, they’re amazing and very important too. But sometimes when a plane passes through the cold and humid air its water vapor turns into a gas and that’s why you see the clouds coming out of an airplane. But you’re probably thinking how is this related to global warming? Well, let me explain. The problem is that these clouds stay in the sky for hours and days at a time. And unfortunately, these clouds trap heat and contribute to global warming. The clouds usually create a thick cloud and prevent the heat that is already inside to get released into the sky and that too contributes to global warming. But here’s the best part we can fix this. By using technology, Airlines can stop this by ensuring they don’t fly into cold and humid air using weather detectors. It might sound simple but there’s a lot of math involved. But this technology is getting more advanced. If we continue to advance this technology, we can reduce global warming a lot. Even though we can’t fully stop it we can slow down global warming a lot.

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