July 2, 2024


You all might have heard of the word ‘Deforestation’. I’m going to explain it and the solutions we need for it. Deforestation is a huge problem. But first, let me tell you what deforestation is for those of you that don’t know. Deforestation is simply cutting trees in forests. 30 percent of Earth is covered with forests. You might be wondering ‘why is this a problem?’ Well, let me explain. Deforestation makes animals extinct. Due to the loss of habitat, they don’t have the resources to survive. Many animals go extinct because of this. Since forests have a lot of animals, insects, reptiles, and birds, forests also take in large amounts of carbon dioxide, slowing down global warming. But forests are disappearing fast. The main causes of deforestation are:

1.      Expansion of cities

2.      Agriculture

3.      Logging

4.      Mining

Now we will look at some of the effects of deforestation:

1.      Climate change

2.      Soil erosion

3.      Flooding

4.      Mass extinction of animals

5.      Desertification

6.      Increased greenhouse gases

7.      Water cycle disruption

Also, when trees are cut, the carbon dioxide they have absorbed gets released back again into the atmosphere. Scientists say that when the forest cover is lost, soil washes away into the oceans and, they believe, onto coral reefs. This runoff adds nutrients to the ocean water. Scientists have suspected it can kill the coral. When deforestation happens the soil without the help of the trees loses its ability to sustain itself. Due to this, a drought happens.

Now we will look at some ways we can stop deforestation:

1. Government regulations

2. Banning clear-cutting of forests

3. Reforestation and Afforestation

4. Reduce consumption of paper

5. Educate others

6. Eat less meat.

7. Purchase from sustainable, Forest friendly companies

8. Reduce consumption of deforestation-prone products.

 If we do all these things slowly but surely, we can stop global warming and save many animals from dying out.

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