July 7, 2024
Puppy Mills

Puppy Mills

Have you ever visited a pet store? You might have seen dogs for sale. Have you ever thought about where they come from? Today I’m going to tell you all about it and I’m also going to expose the dark truth of Puppy Mills. I’m guessing that many of you have not heard about this word. A puppy is a kind of similar to a tiger mill. Puppy mills are places where dogs are kept in extremely squalid living conditions like the tigers in a tiger mill. They put 1 or 2 small puppies in a very small iron. It’s about the size of a small box, sometimes even smaller than that. Due to this, they cannot move, they cannot run, and they can’t play. They develop bone diseases and sometimes even cancer!! Sometimes they can’t even properly move or they cannot eat or drink. Due to their cage being cleaned so rarely, they develop diseases from viruses. It is a total breeding ground for viruses. Now all this is super sad. But you might be thinking “What does this have to do with pet stores?”. Let me explain. Some pet shops get their dogs for sale by taking dogs from puppy mills which just promotes the business and the pet shops encourage them to do these horrific acts with more dogs. And it is very hard to know, you never know whether the pet shop you bought that dog from is from a puppy mill or not. And some pet shops have started lying that they do not support puppy mills. Another thing that makes puppy mills hard to find is that they are everywhere. Yes, they are there in every country. Yes, this is very tragic but there are still ways we can stop puppy mills from increasing.

Things we can do to stop puppy mills from increasing:

1.      Only buy a dog from a pet store only if you are 100% sure that it isn’t from a puppy mill or even better don’t buy from a pet store and adopt from a shelter.

2.      Get locally bred dogs

3.      Take action against pet stores that get their dogs from puppy mills.

4.      Know your state’s breeding and selling laws.

5.      Support Organizations that are trying to eliminate puppy mills.

6.      Report incidents of puppy mills around your area.

7.      Don’t buy a puppy form online.

8.       Become an expert on the subject

9.      Get the word out. Tell more people and educate them about the subject.

If we do these things we might be able to eliminate puppy mills.

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