July 2, 2024


The sad truth of Youtube’s fake animal rescuers

YouTube is home to a lot of channels showing different types of content. There are a lot of YouTubers too. Many of these content creators are sometimes just willing to do anything to go viral. They do risky sports, eat unique food, film it, and put it on YouTube. These things are not new and they’re mostly not a concern. But the content I am going to discriminate against today is very disturbing, that was a warning before we start. So, without any further delay let’s start.

YouTube has a massive problem that it needs to fix ASAP. Some content creators go so far as they abuse animals for views, mostly dogs and cats because they are the most loved pets by most people. Now, you’re probably confused here. If they abuse dogs and cats which most people love, how the heck do they get more views? Well, let me explain. These videos are built to paint the abusers as heroes by making it look like they are saving the animals, let me explain with an example. I did some research and found this video. It is a video where 2 boys find an injured puppy with a cut on its neck. The boys take the dog to their home, they give it medicine, and just after 1 or 2 days an update video was uploaded and it showed that the wound had completely healed which is impossible because it usually takes 5 or 6 months for a wound like that to completely heal. The reality was that everything was staged.  So, here’s the real story behind this video. They took a completely healthy dog and filmed it in good shape. Then they did the unthinkable, they took a sharp knife and cut the puppy’s throat. They said it was a bite from a bigger dog who bit the puppy, but the way the cut looked, it was impossible as if the bigger dog who bit the puppy had just one tooth. Then they took they put the puppy in some random place, then after a few hours come back and filmed the injured dog. But how did it heal so quickly? It’s all about timing. They first uploaded the video of the dog that they hurt, then 1 or 2 days later they uploaded the video they took before of when the dog was okay. That’s how it works, it’s truly heartbreaking. I mean, how can you have no remorse for cutting the throat of an innocent puppy all for fame and views?

That’s how most of them work, but sometimes they use different strategies.

Sometimes they abuse and use the same animals for different rescues, meaning they fake their rescue and do the same with the same animal over and over again. They check the number of views their fake rescue video got, and then they stage the rescues over and over again with the same animal because they know that if they performed that animal rescue, they will get more views. How do the victims of these channels even survive after being used over and over again?

But things are only getting worse now, with more channels coming and being inspired to get more views by the existing channels. But sometimes these creators become idiotic mental psychos. They sometimes kill the animals. Like another channel that killed a baby kitten by drowning it. But they made it look like an accidental death to the viewers watching the video. In another incident, they just went too far. The video painted it like this, they were out on a walk and they find… the head of a cat!!!! The shocking thing is that this cat was in another video judging by the pattern on its head. After they abused the cat, they cut off its head! I- I have no words to describe this. This is just way beyond cruel. And videos like these are growing increasingly common.

This is a huge problem and they’re violating the rules of YouTube. So, I have no idea why YouTube hasn’t banned these channels. But there is hope. If YouTube is constantly on the lookout and banning these channels and emerging channels. These YouTubers will at some point decide it’s not worth it. They will go to jail if they continue, so they will stop altogether. If YouTube does this we will save millions of animal lives taking down one channel at a time.

1 thought on “The sad truth of Youtube’s fake animal rescuers

  1. Excellent information. People are becoming heartless. They are so selfish that they can do anything for money. Please keep writing and enlightened us with this type of information. God bless you

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