July 2, 2024
Nuclear Energy and Climate Change

Nuclear Energy and Climate Change

What’s the first thing on your mind when you hear the word “Nuclear”? You think of radiation, horrible deaths, contamination, the death of multiple species due to radiation, and more bad stuff.  I agree with you. But what I will tell you here is probably going to make you angry but let me explain. “We need Nuclear Energy to fix climate change.” There I said it, I said it. Many of you are probably like “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard in my whole life”. Even I thought that. I thought Nuclear Energy pollutes more, but little did I know I was more wrong than right.

First, how can Nuclear Energy help us solve climate change? Let me elaborate. Well, I’m going to put it this way. One chunk of uranium can replace 4 pieces of coal. Nuclear energy produces close to something like net 0 emissions. And the very tiny amount that gets released into the atmosphere, well the plants will enjoy the rest. And this technology is going to improve soon. It will produce no emissions at all.

You may be thinking “Nuclear Energy is good but do we need it, we have solar, wind, and hydro. Well, they’re not enough. For the world to be powered by solar, wind, and hydro we could only power today’s world. The energy that we would need in 2030 or 2050 would be enormous and it would only increase. So, for the future solar, wind, and hydro are not enough. We need something else. So, I am optimistic about nuclear energy as an alternative we can use in the future.

This all sounds great. But we need to accept this. Many people are protesting against these movements that could potentially change the world. Due to this many countries are not keeping an open mind and all nations around the world need to keep an open mind on different solutions on how to fix climate change. Only if we come together and look at this great alternative which is nuclear energy and treat it just like we have with solar, wind, and hydro, only then can we make some difference in the fight against climate change.

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