July 7, 2024


When you think of AI you imagine robots doing things for humans, artificial animals, basically very advanced technology for humans to use for our convenience. And that’s correct, but AI can also be used for one more thing, it’s a thing that most people think of when they hear the word AI. And that thing is making the world a better place.  AI can conserve wildlife and contribute to solving Climate Change. Let’s take a look at some ways AI can help wildlife. The first one is animal tracking. To the untrained eye, animal droppings and footprints may look very similar between different species, so it becomes hard to monitor the animal’s activity, and it also gets hard to protect them from poachers. Next, it can increase biodiversity, and AI can identify invasive species so that they can be sent back to their native habitat. The AI can also help endangered species, the tracking profiles created by the AI will tell us which path an animal will most likely take, and if they get into trouble, rangers can come to help them.

The final strategy that we will discuss is tracking poachers. Because poaching is illegal, AI can get control of the situation and crack these crimes down. AI drones and night-vision cameras are used to track potential poachers, this way vulnerable species are more protected. AI can also use sound surveillance to find poachers! Until now we’ve only talked about how AI can help animals but it can also be used to fight against Climate Change, let me explain. Some of the technological advances that we could be able to use to fight climate change involve the ability to generate energy in sustainable ways.  There’s just one question though. The question is, can we make solar panels or other materials that can help us stop using fossil fuels and other non-renewable sources?

In the past, scientists and engineers developed materials, but it was haphazard. Thomas Edison used thousands of light bulbs until he got the right design for them. Today we can use artificial intelligence and machine learning to build new materials that sustainably generate energy. The reason it’ll be more convenient in a computer is that it allows millions perhaps billions of potential solutions. The reason AI is important in how we understand the Earth’s system is that we are getting a ton of data in a short time. Today we collect many types of data, these examples include satellite data and remote sensing observations that will allow us to look at the patterns of landslides. As the climate changes so do the weather conditions, is there a rise in sea levels, or are the mountains eroding more than usual? All these things are very important to take into consideration. Extreme weather may be a result of Climate Change, these events are on the increase. But there’s another aspect of this, cities are increasing in the area. And we all know that building buildings requires cement which is responsible for a ton of emissions.

There are many problems facing the world today like climate change and the poaching of animals. But I’m very proud to say that with this terrific technology which is AI, we can battle climate change and save multiple species and ecosystems. It’s just amazing, for the first time in modern history the technology we create is benefiting others and solving global problems. I believe that if we continue funding this technology, one day we will be victorious against Climate Change. And save millions of species and ecosystems.  

7 thoughts on “How can AI make the world a better place?

    1. Thanks, we at rionmitra.com are very passionate about promoting sustainability in different ways like AI. It’s really important to try out different ways saving animals and solving problems like Climate Change. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, we at rionmitra.com are very passionate about promoting sustainability in different ways like AI. It’s really important to try out different ways saving animals and solving problems like Climate Change. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, we at rionmitra.com are very passionate about promoting sustainability in different ways like AI. It’s really important to try out different ways saving animals and solving problems like Climate Change. Thanks!

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