July 7, 2024
crocodile eggs

crocodile eggs

Crocodiles, they have been on our planets for millions of years, they have survived the most destructive mass extinction events in the history of planet Earth. In our modern world, crocodiles are seen as killing machines that have no emotions or feelings. In the eyes of most people, crocodiles just kill, as if that is their only life purpose, to kill.  I have heard people say this so many times. Therefore, we started killing them, treating them like objects that we can kill and use for our benefit. In addition, there is a different type of killing happening, it is not just human-wildlife conflict, we have started to breed and kill them for fashion. I really do not understand why we are doing this, crocodiles also have families, they have feelings.

So, what they do is they go to crocodile nests, they lay their eggs on land. And they take away the eggs, after they hatch they are given to crocodile farms. The crocodile farms kill the crocodiles, then the crocs are turned into boots, bags, purses, belts, etc. This is a continuous cycle. This is having a huge impact on the wild crocodile population because too many eggs are being taken to crocodile farms. The Saltwater crocodile eggs are being taken in huge numbers; this is causing a population decline in the species. Crocodiles are very important apex predators to keep the food chain and environment, so there will be population explosion of the prey of crocodiles, which will cause a population spike temporarily, but after that, they will start competing with each other and their populations will drop in massive numbers.

In addition, the crocodiles that hatch out of the eggs live in very poor conditions. In one single tub, there might be 30 to 20 baby crocodiles and the tub is rather small. They hardly can move, also diseases and parasites spread fast in such filthy conditions causing some crocodiles to die when they are babies. And the dead bodies are sometimes not taken out of the tub, the water is contaminated and more crocodiles die. Just in their childhood, many of them die. And when they are adults, things just get worse for them. They are kept in small ponds, which have terrible living conditions and at this point, they start to fight and kill each other for territory and mating. Finally, they are painfully killed; they are electrocuted, cut open, etc. Many times they make a cut on their belly and stick a pipe through which they put gases in the crocodiles, they bloat them up like a balloon. They say it is easier to skin them that way. This is the life of a crocodile caught from the wild as an egg.

We need to stop this; we are treating crocodiles like they are some kind of machines that do not have feelings. Crocodiles feel pain; they have emotions and feelings just like us and we need to stop this madness. There are two industries involved in this, the fashion industry and the crocodile harvesting egg industry. These two industries have something in common; they are willing to do just about anything for profit. Governments around the world need to stop this and make it illegal. We need to make very strict restrictions for the fashion industry; we cannot allow the purchasing of items that are made of crocodile skin. That will encourage the crocodile egg harvesting industry to steal more eggs. And we need to completely destroy the egg harvesting industry. If we continue the fight against the crocodile egg harvesting industry then one day, we will have a world where no eggs are stolen from the wild, no crocodile will have to suffer for profit, and we will have saved millions of innocent lives. 

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