July 7, 2024

Perhaps, it was 36 million years before the last dinosaurs were still around. Then, the dinosaurs began to evolve into owls. Then, the asteroid hit killing 98% of life on earth. But owls faced it all and began to live peacefully. But their happiness was short-lived just after owls appeared on Earth.  Just a few thousand years after they appeared. Like, I said before the peaceful lives of owls ended with the appearance of eagles. Our planet is full of creatures that don’t get along with each other. But owls and eagles have become the perfect example. Sometimes, they eat each other, kill each other, and sometimes do it just for fun or to win. They kill each other’s chicks and even destroy each other’s nests. There have been many cases of eagles being killed by owls.  One time the zoo put eagles and owls together in a cage. The next day they found the leftovers of eagles and very satisfied owls. So, the biologists decided to revive the falcon population. If they did not protect the eagles from the owls the owls would have kept killing the poor eagles. Of, course there have been many cases of owls being killed by eagles too. You see when the sun sets the owls to go into hunting mode. During this time the eagles cannot see in the dark and are very inactive. The owls take advantage of this and we all know owls can fly without making a sound, they can also see in the dark and they can turn their head 108 degrees. Whereas, when the sun rises it’s eagle time. Since the owls are sleeping during the morning and eagles hunt during the morning. The owls become easy prey for eagles. This simple fight between owls and eagles eventually became a real war. They can sometimes die together in a fight. Let us look at some advantages of owls:

  1. Owls can fly without making a single sound.
  2. They can see in the dark as they are nocturnal.
  3. They can turn their head 180 degrees to monitor what is going on behind them.

Eagles do not know when owls are coming since they don’t make a sound while flying. Let us look at some advantages of eagles:

1. Eagles have so strong claws that they can easily catch their prey without much difficulty.

2. They have good eyesight.

3. They have an excellent sense of hearing.

But if we forget all about that and focus only on size, the largest species of eagles grow 41 inches in length and the largest species of owl can grow up to only 27 inches in length.

So, after all this, we can conclude that owls and eagles hate each other and fight like cats and dogs.

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