July 7, 2024


6th of February 2023, this is when one of the most devastating natural disasters had happened. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked Turkey and Syria resulting in the deaths of millions. Many people died, both countries suffered greatly. Buildings were destroyed, and it was pure chaos. Many people died but people are not the only ones who suffered, animals, mostly pets. And not enough animal rescuers were there, so many animals died. Birds, fish, rabbits, dogs, cats, hamsters, etc. Many of these animals died just because people thought human lives are more important than animal lives.

 In addition, many pets were given to shelters because their owners were dead or didn’t want to care for them anymore. Moreover, because of the earthquake, shelters and animal rescues struggled to take in so many animals because of a lack of resources, so some shelters euthanized some of the animals that came into the shelter. After the entire trauma, they have been through. Also, because of the earthquake some shelters and animal rescue centers were also destroyed, so some animals in rescue centers/shelters also died.

Some of these animals died of very painful deaths. Many of these animals died because of dehydration, starvation, depression, injuries, infection of injuries, etc. And even if they manage to rescue the animal, they are not out of the woods yet. That’s because as I said there will be a lack of resources, there might not be certain medicines, there will be a lack of food and water. Temporary housing for the rescued animals will also be in shortage. In addition, there is a lack of animal rescuers experienced enough to rescue animals from such situations. This earthquake has been a nightmare.

It’s easy to lose hope in these situations, but there is some good news. More experienced animal rescues are coming to help. Animal rescue organizations from abroad and at home are assisting in these rescues. More vets are coming in to help. Moreover, even some of the locals are helping these animal rescues. It’s amazing, a lot of efforts are being made to save animals. We have faced many natural disasters before. And I believe we will be able to face this one as well and soon things will go back to normal. There have been many natural disasters. And I believe that we fought this one quite well. The amount of animal casualties decreased significantly, and we have saved hundreds of innocent lives. It is important to never lose hope in these situations and continue fighting.

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