July 7, 2024
egg industry

egg industry

Eggs, a very popular food item. Millions of people eat eggs.  People also use eggs as ingredients in some recipes. Eggs have become a rather big part of the world’s pop culture. Eggs can also be healthy for you. However, do you wonder where the egg came from? When you buy eggs from supermarkets, they tell you the ingredients required to make the egg. But there are 2 ingredients required to make an egg that the egg industry will never tell you. Those 2 ingredients are death and suffering. I bet you were not expecting me to say that. Because the egg industry is very good at hiding secrets better than most industries that treat animals like garbage.

Most people think that their egg comes from a farm where the mother chicken is happy and there is a lot of space. But nature likes to take it slow, but we humans like to always change something. And that something is … drumroll, ‘genetic engineering’. Labs genetically modify chickens so that they lay more eggs. And the mothers are kept in tiny and cramped cages, they are forced to defecate the place that they are living, spreading diseases and killing many mother hens. Their worth is seen by how many eggs they lay. And many of them are sometimes kept together in a small cage.  However, what about the eggs they lay, what about them? What about the thousands of eggs that hatch? Well, for the females it is the same story. But for the males, well I don’t know what to say. Only female hens give eggs, right? So what happens to the males? The egg industry does the only thing that makes “economic sense” to them. They kill those male chickens, often on the first day of birth.

There are 2 ways that the egg industry does this. The first way that they do this is gas chambers. They are put into boxes and they put large amounts of carbon dioxide in them. Which makes them unconscious, then their throats are slit. It is an extremely painful process, the chickens struggle for air. And the second method, their bodies are shredded apart by a metal grinder. This method kills thousands of chickens in a matter of minutes. And these sensitive chicks are carelessly thrown by the workers. Some of them die even before the bodies are shredded apart by the grinders. All of this is legal. Humans have crossed the line, we’re becoming like machines without any feelings. This is just pure craziness, there has to be a line which we cannot cross. You know, our species is going mentally insane. Those workers are sociopaths.

There is another way than this. Stop eating eggs or only eat eggs that come from farms where hens and chickens can live happily. So that you can eat that omelet knowing that your food is not the result of suffering and deaths. We have got to make this illegal. There is another way. A kinder way, and I’m requesting you, please choose that way. We have to stop doing this. Governments need to put serious restrictions on the egg industry because their workers have gone mentally insane. If the world ate eggs only from farms where hens are treated, given the most comfortable life, we could save an unimaginable amount of lives. Like we’re talking about the lives of trillions of hens, they will finally have a good life. Defeating the egg industry may seem a daunting task, but if all of us come together, one day no hen will have to suffer a painful death and every single hen will have a comfortable and easy life.


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