July 7, 2024

Rabbits are one of the most vulnerable creatures on Earth. These cute animals can die easily from anything. So, to protect the rabbits from predators and/or climate change, the parents bury them in the soil. You might think that the parents are doing are suffocating their babies to death. But the soil that the bunnies are covered in is very loose and air can come in and out of the soil without any problems. This sometimes even works; predators don’t realize that their prey is right under their noses.  The baby bunnies are 100% odorless. This is why the mother bunny spends very little time with their babies. The mother rabbit has a smell which means that if she spends too much time with her babies, the smell attracts predators.  But sometimes this doesn’t work.  Sometimes animals like crows, foxes, and even coyotes find the bunnies by digging in the ground.  But even then, the rabbits are also prepared for that. Their burrows have many entrances and exits, which only the bunnies know. So, the predator in their burrow will get lost and the rabbits will go to a part of the burrow that the predator cannot access. But sometimes this does not work and bunnies end up getting eaten by predators.  The burrows also provide the perfect temperature so that the rabbits can stay healthy.  Even, a little temperature change can kill them. In some cases where the soil is not available, they have to make nests elsewhere. So, the next time you see a rabbit burrow in your garden, then please do not try to dig the bunnies out. You can easily hurt them with your hands, you are also exposing them to predators.  And if you place the bunnies out of the burrow, they will either die from climate change or predators. The mother rabbit won’t even approach the nest if they think it is disturbed, and she will think her bunnies have died and the predator is trying to lure her out so the predator can eat her too! She will quickly run away from the nest. So don’t try to dig bunnies out of the burrow. The parents of the bunnies know what they are doing. If one bunny dies, the parents will eat it. It is not because they like to eat meat. Rabbits are purely vegetarian. They eat the dead body because the dead body will start to stink and will attract predators. So, to protect the other bunnies the parents eat the dead bunnies. Some rabbits even make nests in tree holes or other places.  They don’t always make nests in the soil. They also use their fur to make a cozy bed for their babies.

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