July 7, 2024


There are many living beings on our planet. And Humans are one of them. Humans are apex predators, which means they have no natural enemies. The animals raised for meat are treated the most badly even before their death. But the meat industry isn’t the only animal killing machine.  Another animal killing machine is “animal testing”.  This is done by scientists in a lab. There are very few countries that do not do animal testing. These countries are very kind to animals. But many countries do animal testing. Animals testing is done in mainly 2 ways

1.      They feed the animals something and then cut the animals open to see the reaction the thing is doing in their body.

2.      They either vaccinate it or give it some liquid drugs. If the animal dies, then they know that the chemical is harmful to this particular species of animal.

In many countries, there are thousands of labs that do animal testing pretty much every day.

In some labs, 96 % of animals taken for animal testing are beagles because of their sweet nature. They are tested over and over again until the testing is done. Then, if they do not get rescued, the beagles are killed just because the testing is done and is of no use anymore. Some labs experiment with all types of animals like frogs, rabbits, birds, fishes, and many more. In many labs in many countries, more than a million animals are killed in the labs. These are dogs, cats, frogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, fishes, and birds. Animal testing should be stopped right now! More than a million animals killed is simply unacceptable. Animal testing is just so humans can get healthy.  We need to figure out something else than animal testing to save human lives. Until something is figured out, no animal should be tested in any part of the world. They are living beings just like us, we should give them equal respect we give humans. They too are living beings! They were just born on Earth for the same reason, to live and make a home and continue their species. But humans appeared, hunting them down, doing testing, and many other things. Animal testing should stop and will stop. We need to give animals and nature the respect that they thought they would never get. All the governments around the world should ban animal testing and/or make it illegal. Also, animal rescue organizations like the dodo and Peta are against animal testing and I agree with them. Humans should stop controlling the lives of animals.


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