July 2, 2024


You might have noticed conservation of animals can be problematic. There will always be some people who don’t want to save animals. There are lots of reasons to save animals but today I‘m going to focus on just one. Biodiversity is good for the economy!! It may sound crazy but let me explain. Take a forest for example the more species of trees there are the better the ecosystem. This is because when you arrange a forest with the same species of trees, they compete all the same way and no one gets nutrients or water. But in a forest where all the trees are different species, they compete less because they have different strategies to get food and water. And we need to cut some trees to make sure the forests don’t get flammable and catch on fire. The wood we get from those trees we sell. And since trees grow super-fast in the forest. We get more wood the more wood we get the more money we make the better our economy is. Take another example of bees, a particular species of local bee goes to pollinate flowers during a specific type of season. So, keeping a diverse set of bees can help us pollinate more crops and flowers. We get to sell more crops and we make more money and our economy becomes better. Also, the more bacteria that eat all the harmful chemicals in the river. And the government doesn’t have to spend money on maintaining clean water. But we shouldn’t just save animals to make sure our economy becomes better; we should save all animals no matter what. But this is still one more reason we should conserve animals and nature.

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