July 7, 2024


Whenever you hear the word ‘shark’ you most likely think of a ferocious man-eating killing machine. However, that’s not true at all. There are only 10 shark attacks per year; even those attacks are not proper. These things happen because the shark just wanted to sniff the human to see if it is its prey. But sharks are being hunted and I bet you didn’t know that. You’re probably thinking ‘Sharks are being attacked by humans!?, how is that possible and why are we killing sharks?’ Well, let me explain. Sharks are commonly hunted for their fins that they stick out of the water. They catch the sharks, cut their fins, and throw the sharks back into the water. The sharks usually die because of blood loss or being attacked by other predators. Due to this sharks’ populations have dropped. Some species like the great white shark are endangered and slowly becoming extinct. Shark fins are believed to have a lot of nutrition and protein. That is completely bogus. Shark fins have no nutrition or protein for that matter. Shark meat is highly toxic. It’s recommended that women and children don’t eat shark meat at all. Plus, if you eat shark meat you can get cancer. Also due to the decline in shark, and fish populations, seal populations are increasing like crazy because there are not many sharks left to control their population. Soon these animals will go extinct because their populations increase and the food for them will decrease so much that there is no food left for them. Entire other species will go extinct because of the extinction of sharks. In short, the entire marine food chain will be disrupted. Sharks don’t have a lot of babies so it’s impossible for the sharks to build back their population. We’re removing one of the most important predators on the planet. If they die a large number of other sea life will die too. It’s time for us to stop hunting sharks and start conserving them. We need to help them so that they can grow back their population and keep the ocean food chain balanced.

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