July 7, 2024
distressed animal

distressed animal

Have you ever visited a zoo?  In some cases, if you are in a wealthy country, you might see animals being treated very well like getting proper food, longer life, and more. However, there is a problem with poor or you can say third-world countries, they don’t have a lot of money so they have to spend it on a lot of things like their military or economy in hopes of making it better. And much more. In many cases, these countries don’t have enough money to feed their animals. Usually, it’s not their fault. Although a couple of countries feed them less and starve them on purpose.  Those are very rare cases, though; most third-world countries just don’t have the money. Imagine you’re paid very little every day. And you have to pay for your food, medicines, your electronics, and much more, and imagine having to take care of 5 or 6 dogs on top of that. Of course, it’s not possible. That’s the exact problem. These animals die because of hunger, diseases, dehydration, lack of space, and more. This is a huge problem and we need to stop this, otherwise, thousands possibly even millions of animals will die in third-world countries in zoos. We need to support third-world countries and help them so we can save the animals in their zoos. In fact, some rich countries have already started to help them. “How,” you ask. Well, in some cases rich people go to poor countries and adopt animals, those animals get a much better life because the owner is rich and they can afford more land, food, water, medicines, and much more. Sometimes entire companies help zoos by giving them money and sponsoring them often. This system is where rich people adopt animals and companies give money to zoos in third-world countries and also sponsor them pretty often is awesome.  This might just be the best way to fix this problem, this system will save millions of innocent lives. But it will only happen if we continue doing this, but if we continue doing this thing, we can fix this problem and they can spend enough money on their animals to give them a healthy and happy life. 

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