July 7, 2024


What’s the hardest task?  The hardest task is not done by people but by animals. The hardest task is for animals to survive in the wild. Every day animals need to adapt to different environments. But sometimes they struggle for their lives which brings them to their death.  Once a year wildebeests need to cross a dangerous river because on the other side, there will be rain and if there is rain there will be plants to eat. So, millions of wildebeests cross this river but during the process of crossing thousands of wildebeests die. This can be because of multiple reasons like crocodiles, the strong river current, and the main problem is the wildebeests jump into the water all at the same time and sometimes they crush each other. The dead bodies pile up in the water and give it a bad smell. It turns out this migration attracts a lot of tourists. All of this happens in Africa. Many people take pictures of the dead wildebeests but the tourists claim that the smell is so bad that they have to put handkerchiefs in front of their noses. If you have smelt this you know what I’m talking about but if you haven’t smelled this, you’re lucky. Vultures follow the wildebeests because they know there will be dead wildebeests to eat. Then, one question probably you have now, why can’t we build a bridge? I mean we have built bridges for animals to cross the road, so why not water? Well, you need to know something about these animals first, these animals reproduce very fast, and if very few wildebeests die then the population will explode. Lions will have a hard time hunting these animals. This will decrease the predator population because of the large herd. Also, the crocodiles will not get any food. The scavengers won’t get anything to eat. So, in short, it’s better to do nothing and let nature play itself out.

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