July 7, 2024
African wild dog

African wild dog

Ranchers regularly shot these cute little carnivores called tricolored dogs. They were called tricolored dogs. Until, ranchers convinced other people that they were killing livestock. They called these carnivores wild dogs now. Over, the years the canine’s population is dropping at an alarming rate. But people aren’t concerned because wild dog sounds like a rabies factor. If the animal’s name is positive, the more we will want to save the animal but if it’s negative then we will try to kill it.  For example, between the patriot falcon and the sheep eating eagle. The patriot falcon will be protected and sheep eating eagle will be killed. If the hairy nosed otter was renamed the furry nosed otter, we would be more willing to protect it. We shouldn’t judge animals by their name. Be the name positive or negative, we need to protect all animals no matter what.

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