July 7, 2024


Have you ever gone to a tiger farm? If you have, then you know they allow you to play with the tiger cubs and take photos with them. You might think that they are treating the animals nicely. However, It’s quite the opposite. Here’s what you might have not seen. The female tigers are kept in small cages. Tigers need a lot of space to stay healthy. They need a clean and natural environment with lots of plants to hide in to give birth. Their setup is more like a prison except they cannot access any other space. Their environment has no plants and no spaces to hide. Just a small cage where they can a bit. So, there is no physical exercise which is important for the health of the tiger. Their legs are weak, sometimes they cannot even stand up let alone walk or run. Their health is in very bad condition and their stressed all the time. Even, if a tiger gives birth, sometimes the cubs will die due to a dirty and unstainable environment. The cubs that do survive, are used for human entertainment. The people play with the cubs and take photos with them. Due, to this the cubs get stressed. And, baby cubs need to be with their mother to feel secure and unstressed. Even, the mother gets depressed without their cubs. If there are a lot of cubs then they will sometimes kill the cubs for traditional medicine. There is no proof that this traditional medicine even works but still, they use it. They also use the cubs for making fancy clothes out of their skin. Sometimes, when they have a lot of adult tigers, they also use their fur for the same medicine and making fancy clothes, and sometimes even for sports. We need to stop this cruelty; we need to treat those tigers better and give them lots of space to live and breed in.

Here are a few steps we can follow to make the lives of these innocent creatures better:

1.      If you go to a tiger farm, never play with the cubs and/or take photos with them.

2.      Always confirm, that the clothes you are wearing are cruelty-free.

3.      Try to adopt a tiger with the help of animal rescue. Do not give them any money, try to take the tiger without money. The best choice is to inform animal rescuers and with their help convince the people who work at the farm to give you a tiger. If you don’t have space to keep it give it to the animal rescuers.

4.      The best step is to convince the government of your country to ban such cruelty.

By doing this we can save the lives of these innocent creatures.

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