July 4, 2024
Lion Cub

Lion Cub

Lions are very powerful and aggressive, but many of their species are becoming endangered. You might think that is because of poaching, humans made many species endangered after all. But we aren’t the only ones who hurt their population.  Baboons are also killing lion cubs. You might think, how can animals such as baboons kill lions and why?  Studies have shown that female baboons take care of the cubs. The baboons brush the cub’s hair, take it from tree to tree and also feed it. But this is super rare. Some scientists don’t even think that this is true. What happens is much simpler and tragic. Lions eat baboons for food because they are easy prey for them.  This was good because it would control the baboon population. So, baboons had to invent a cruel scheme, they get rid of lion cubs in advance. No, baby lion means no adult lion will eat them in the future. But if there are no lions to hunt baboons down then baboon populations will explode in population. Which could be bad for the environment and other animals. This is because baboons will eat all the fruit plants leaving no food for deer and once deer goes extinct. The animals that eat deer will have no food and go extinct. Then finally the baboons will have no food for themselves in the future and they too will all die. So, we must protect lions from baboons, climate change, and other factors that kill lions.

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