July 2, 2024


What insect do you hate? Now I don’t know what you said but I’m guessing some of you said mosquitoes. And I agree with you, they spread diseases like malaria and yellow fever and they’re pretty annoying too. So, you might think ‘It would be awesome if mosquitoes went extinct.’ But we also need them.

This is not a joke; I’m not making this up. You might be thinking now ‘why do we need these little blood-sucking creatures?’  Well, let me explain. First of all, you need to know something, ‘All mosquitoes don’t drink blood.’ Only the females drink blood. The males pollinate flowers. So, if all mosquitoes went extinct some types of flowers pollinated by male mosquitoes would also go extinct. If mosquitoes went extinct it would break the food chain. Many types of fish, frogs, reptiles, and other animals rely on mosquitoes for food. So, they wouldn’t have food to eat and would go extinct. Mosquito larvae are good for plants. When insects drown the mosquito larvae eat their dead bodies and give nutrition to the plants. This doesn’t mean you should kill mosquitoes. We shouldn’t make them extinct. But instead of trying to make mosquitoes extinct, we could kill the parasite the mosquitoes carry that causes the diseases. If we can do that we wouldn’t have to worry about malaria and dengue and other mosquito- diseases. Then we won’t have to kill mosquitoes anymore.  

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