July 4, 2024


Birds, one of the most popular pets in the world. People think they are cute and intelligent, that is true.  Many people buy birds because they think birds are low- maintenance and easy.  You just have to keep them in a little cage somewhere and just give them grains. You just give them grains; you do not need to spend time with them. They just need food, water and a cage.  That is what most people think. When I hear people say these things, I do not know what to say. I am speechless, birds are much neglected, and the habit of keeping birds in small cages has become so common around the world.

As I tell this to you, millions perhaps billions of birds are silently suffering. Birds are not low – maintenance pets. But why are cages bad for birds? Because cages, the ones they give you at the pet store are small. Because of the small size, the bird has hardly any room to exercise. In addition, many times people put too many birds in one cage. If this happens, diseases spread fast, the birds start fighting each other and there is no room for any bird to live in. Also, most of the time, there are no toys for the bird to play with. Toys can give hours of pleasure and happiness to a bird. Without toys, birds become depressed, bored, frustrated and stressed. Due to the frustration, they start picking out their own feathers. Also sometimes social birds are kept alone, and they eventually die because of depression and stress, family members just give food to the bird and do not spend any time with it. Birds are just as hard to care for as dogs and cats.

There are no pets in this world that are low- maintenance,  that term is not correct. No pet can be low – maintenance. Birds also require love, care and a good home. They are also living beings. However, it does not have to be this way. There are alternatives to keeping birds in cages. You can put them in aviaries or you can give them their own room as I did with my birds. I gave my birds their own room, put toys in, clean food and water and the room is big. Those are two alternatives to keeping birds in cages.

Governments around the world need to ban small cages and we need to encourage people to either keep birds in aviaries or give them their own rooms. If we continue the fight against keeping birds in cages, then one day we will have a world where each bird has a healthy, happy and full life.

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