July 7, 2024


Global warming means the heating of the Earth. Summers are becoming hotter and unbearable for humans, animals, plants, and many other life forms on Earth. Animals and humans are dying because of heat stress. Due to heat waves many animals, humans, birds, and many living beings are dying. But why is global warming happening? Well, the reason is “Us” humans. But how can humans cause global warming? To power our electronics many industries, release an enormous amount of Carbon-di-oxide also known as the greenhouse effect. This gas goes up to the sky, then starts to absorb the sun’s heat in very large amounts. Thus, resulting in the heating of Earth. Due to this high heat ponds lakes and rivers either completely dry up and all the organisms die, or the water gets too hot and creatures like fishes, crabs, turtles water plants and many other life forms die. But the creatures that are most vulnerable to global warming are the creatures in the Arctic or any other place that has ice. Due to the heating of the planet the ice melts. Animals like penguins, polar bears, fish, tiny plants, and polar foxes. If we don’t stop global many animals, fishes, birds, plants, microorganisms and insects, and many other life forms on Earth. The best way to stop global warming is to make solar energy more effective. Then, we won’t have to rely on industries to run our electronics. Plus, solar energy is free. Unlike, electricity which requires money, solar energy is free. You just have to put, a solar panel outside and get the energy you need, and then done. With this energy, you can run your electronics, cook your food, and, use this in your car, and many other things. We should start using solar energy for worldwide use. The entire world should run with solar energy. Then, after a few decades or so the temperature will start to go back to normal. We could save millions of life forms on Earth simply by powering the entire world with solar energy.

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