July 4, 2024


Easter, it’s an interesting festival and many people love it, Easter is one of the top favorite festivals of people around the world. In many nations, it’s a holiday during Easter. Here in India, you can find only a few people celebrating Easter. There is little to no influence that Easter has brought on India. But the majority of the world’s nations celebrate Easter. Now I am going to say something that is going to make a lot of you angry. Easter is responsible for a lot of animal abuse. You might be thinking “WTF, how can Easter hurt animals?” Well, it’s complicated, because this is not old–fashioned animal abuse. This is different. And the main thing that is causing all this abuse is …. Easter photos. Yes, those cute photos you see of people and young children with bunnies and chicks.

Now before I get into the details, you need to know something. The main victims are bunnies and chicks. Why? It has to do with the festival itself. At the festival, it’s rumored that a rabbit comes and puts eggs made of chocolate in every corner of the world so that people can eat them. But why chicks? Well, chicks are the babies of hens. And hens lay eggs, so that’s the logic. Now first let me tell you about the living conditions of these bunnies and chicks. I remember seeing a photo, there is a baby rabbit, I think he’s just around 4 weeks old. And he/her is in a cage. Now rabbits don’t belong in cages. They need a big space or better free–roaming. And most importantly that rabbit should still be on its mother’s milk. Rabbits can be separated at 6 weeks of age only. And there are only some pellets there, that rabbit died.  I’m 100% sure of it. It had a wired bottom cage as well and rabbits can get sore hocks on wire-bottomed cages. A baby rabbit had to lose its life for the entertainment of some kids and people. I have no words. It wasn’t even given a chance at life

And the chicks, they don’t get anything better. They are also kept in very small cages; they can run around or play. The cage is hardly hygienic. There have been many cases of chicks dying. I mean, a baby chick had to lose its life for our entertainment. Most chicks are stressed out and have to entertain us and they die from stress sometimes.  Why in the universe are we continuing to do this!? And it doesn’t end there. At photo time it gets really bad. Rabbits and chicks are very delicate animals. Rabbits and chicks die even from stress. Sometimes when kids come, they handle the chicks/rabbits so roughly that they break bones! Along with extreme stress. As most parents don’t teach, they’re rabbits on how to properly touch rabbits and chicks. You need to let rabbits come to you, not you forcing them to cuddle. Chicks want to run around and have fun, not be touched and dropped by some stupid kid. Sometimes the kids and parents are so stupid that sometimes the kids even drop a bunny or a chick. They could die!

We need to understand that these animals also feel pain, love, happiness, and pride. They have all the feelings we do but yet we just continue to use them for Easter photos. I mean, where do we draw the line? Because enough is enough. We need to do this. It’s a huge problem that hardly any people care about. If we don’t do this, it is the same as killing thousands of rabbits/ chicks on purpose. It’s no different than that. Remember that rabbits and chicks are living beings! Only if we stop shops that do this cruelty, only then will we be able to save thousands of chicks and rabbits around the world.

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