June 28, 2024


In the ocean of Mauritius, a ship sank and spilled oil on the ocean killing marine life and the animals that feed on marine life. There are many reasons because of this tragedy but today I’m going to talk about the biggest one, the pillars of this tragedy are ships. Now you’re probably confused so let me explain. In today’s world, if you want to own a ship, the process is too easy and cheap in some countries.

 First, you need to buy a boat, it can be used, it can be old, it can be whatever according to your choice. Then you have to start a shell company in a foreign country you don’t live in. The most attractive option for most people is Panama because it’s pretty cheap. Then you have to put the boat’s name under the shell company and et voila. You have a boat that you can use to ship anything you want. And this is exactly where disaster happens, sometimes the owners don’t bother to add many safety measures to save money, and if the ship crashes it’s not their responsibility. It’s the company’s responsibility that you registered in some foreign country.

This is a big problem that needs attention. If the ship crashes, the person owning the ship should be responsible and pay a ton of money so that the countries hurt by this can get the money and support to rebuild their nature from the disaster again. All governments need to make this a priority, that if you are on a ship, it’s in good shape and the government should also tell the person owning the ship to make a lot more safety measures than they usually do.  

If we do this, then we will be able to save an unimaginable amount of wildlife and marine ecosystems. Let us all do our best so that these tragedies never happen again. 

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