July 4, 2024


Have you ever visited a bullfighting contest, where 2 bulls fight each other? You probably must have thought” That’s cool!” Today I’m going to tell you about Animal Fights and how much abuse and violence they cause. Okay, first things first, let me remind you that these animal fights are forced, the animal already lives in horrible conditions and has no option but to fight for our entertainment.” First, let me tell you about how this thing works because this is a bit complicated to understand. And animal fights sometimes happen in bars! Let me explain, 2 small animals or insects fight and you bet on which one will win if the one you bet on wins you win money if it loses you lose money.

Some fights happen in a large area for simple entertainment, for example, dog and bullfights.  Okay, now that I’ve explained how this works, let me tell you what goes on during the fight. First of all, depending on the animal, the number of people, and other things, will influence the brutality of the fight, for example, some fights make animals fight to their death. But even fights that do not do this are no less ruthless or selfish for that matter. 2 or sometimes even 3 animals who are completely unknown, and are forced to fight, there are injuries. And sometimes the people conducting don’t want to pay a dime for their treatment. And sometimes these injuries cause deaths. It also causes a ton of stress for the animals. The people who run this, they’re idiotic fucking fools.

I mean, you are forcing an animal to abuse itself, I just don’t know what could be worse than this. Sometimes during the fighting things get so heated up between the 2 animals that sometimes one of them or in some cases both of them die! It’s just so depressing. This is why we need to make animal fights illegal in all world nations. So, no animal will have to fight for the entertainment of people, so no animal has to risk their life for stupid things. And also, so that no animal will have to sacrifice the life of someone else or theirs for that matter. It’s time to come together and stop animal fights for good, then we will save thousands of innocent lives.

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