July 4, 2024


Circuses, many people consider them entertaining and funny, especially the part where animals come in. You know, tigers jumping through fire loops, elephants performing tricks, bunnies being pulled out of a magician’s hat, etc. Most of you find that entertaining and funny, but that’s what they want you to see, they make the animals look happy. But let me tell you something, yes, I have been to circuses but I have never seen or paid for a circus that even slightly involves animals. To understand why I do this, you need to look deeper to find out the truth. Well for starters start by looking at the details that are easy to recognize if the magician has a rope and is hitting the animal if the animal is stressed or injured by any of the activities. So, where am I going with this? Well, circuses conduct animal abuse and I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense.

You see, circus people are the best scammers, and animal abuse is nothing big for them, it’s similar to what I told you about Youtube’s fake animal rescue problem, both of them have 1 thing in common, we see at first glance that the animal isn’t being harmed, it’s being cared for, it’s being loved. This is exactly the image the circus wants you to picture, a happy animal doing tricks for people. Well, to circus people could you please zap back to reality for a second? No animal in that much noise will want to go and do these tricks they don’t want to do, I mean you are forcing them, some kind of force which is threatening them, for example, tigers are naturally afraid of fires, and they in circuses they jump through fire loops and sometimes they get burnt. I can’t even imagine what kind of abuse you do to them, if they are doing this it’s not a good sign and many other animals suffer the same abusive life.

And they can’t learn any natural behavior because they spend all of their life in a cage or on the stage entertaining the public. The biggest space they can get is the stressful, noisy stage. And they are constantly afraid of being hit. They also get depression from this type of lifestyle. For example, lions live in small cramped up cages. And sometimes if an animal somehow through a miracle manages to give birth, then it’s separated from its mother when it’s just a baby, it should be on its mother’s milk at that time. Both the baby and mother face extreme depression just like us, humans. The baby is forced to perform at an extremely young age to attract more people. Where do we draw the line? This is going out of control. Circuses also benefit from illegal wildlife trade, lions, tigers, elephants, etc.

We have done a big problem and now it’s up to us to fix it. Some organizations are working hard to free animals from circuses and give them a better life. We need to support these organizations and encourage more to join the fight against animal abuse circuses. We need to keep putting pressure on circuses until all of them are fully shut down. Governments all around the world need to ban circuses and work with all the animal rescue organizations to make sure each animal that comes from the circus gets an awesome life. I believe if we continue saving animals from circuses, shutting circuses down, and making sure each animal that comes from the circus is given the best life possible, no animal will have to suffer for the sake of entertainment.

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