July 4, 2024
fur_ abuse

fur_ abuse

In the fashion industry, fur is a popular product. Many people buy it because they think it is cute and beautiful for showing off. People pay a lot of money for fur to look fancy and unique. However, they do not think for a damn second on where the fur came from, they just wear it and enjoy it. I have seen this too often. But if you think about where it came from, you’ll realize that the blood of millions of animals is on your hands. This is the result of two powerful, filthy rich industries working together as partners. The first one is the fashion industry and the second one is the fur industry. Both these industries are unimaginably rich and powerful, especially the fashion industry. However, the fur industry does most of the work.

Every year, thousands of animals in the fur industry are killed for their fur. Many of them are captured from the wild; they are kept in tiny filthy cages before being killed for their fur. So that people can wear fancy and unique clothes. The clothes are given to the fashion industry and sold to people around the world. The fashion and fur industry follow this continuous cycle. The fur industry is also a hypocrite because it also states that it kills animals humanely. And even that statement is false. First, the living conditions of the animals are horrific. Many of them are squeezed into a small cage, so diseases spread fast and they sometimes start fighting for territory. It’s clearly very inhumane. And they say electrocuting the animal is painless for the animal, if you watch some videos you will see that even after being electrocuted, the animal is clearly alive and suffering. So the fur industry definitely does not kill them painlessly.

The fur industry kills them for profit; they take innocent lives for profit. It’s just a horrific thing to do.  People still really don’t care to see where the fur they buy for fashion comes from. What really concerns me is the amount of support and money these industries have, they have an enormous amount of money and support. In addition, the animals that mainly fall prey to the fur industries are foxes, rabbits and raccoons. Also the average person doesn’t give a damn about these animals, and they are not protected which makes it even more convenient and easy for the fur industry. If we keep on doing this then, more animals will die.

We need to destroy the fur industries or we can force the fashion industry not to accept any products from the fur industry. We can try either one of these options; I would personally prefer to destroy the fur industry. Nevertheless, governments around the world need to support this movement, they would also need to put strict restrictions on the fashion industry. Nations around the world need to ban fur so that the fur industry does not get any profit, then they will shut down themselves. The fight against the fur and fashion industry will be hard but I am optimistic that we can do it and one day we will have a world where no animal has to die for profit.

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