July 4, 2024
rabbit dying to eat

rabbit dying to eat

Rabbit island, it’s a great place according to many people in and outside of Japan. It’s also a very preferred place in Japan, where thousands of tourists go to feed rabbits. The internet has made rabbit island seem like a Disney land for rabbits. With the rabbits having tons of resources and having the best of their lives, that is all the internet will tell you, they’ll only tell you that they are having the best life, and they don’t give any details. What I say right now will anger many people, but let me tell you if you went to rabbit island, if you are a rabbit expert, you will know what I will say right now is correct. ‘Rabbit island is like hell for rabbits.’ There, I said it, I said it. Let me explain in more detail for you to understand.

When I saw some videos of rabbit island something was wrong, there was something wrong with the bunnies. The rabbits mostly approached people that had food. This is a huge red flag. Keep in mind, Rabbit Island is still an island nonetheless. That means the rabbits rely on tourists and rain to get water. I watched some videos on this topic, and to be honest there isn’t much greenery on the island. Whatever is left has been eaten to the core by the bunnies. And you might say ‘oh they’re wild rabbits, they’ll adjust. Well, rabbits in rabbit island are not wild! For God’s sake, it’s just so annoying when people say that there are wild rabbits on rabbit island. Look at their color variation, in nature wild rabbits produce mostly white, black, and grey so that they can camouflage and protect themselves from predators.

But what about those videos you saw on Facebook of hundreds of rabbits playing and giving kisses to tourists? Well, it’s a depressing reason, rabbits hardly have any vegetation left to eat and they don’t even have water, the water they can get is very contaminated, and even the hardiest rabbit cannot survive after drinking that water. Due to these rabbits die in huge numbers. And since they are domestic, rabbits need to be spayed/natured. Not even 1 of the rabbits in rabbit island is spayed/neutered. And I understand that because there are a ton of rabbits on rabbit island, but I think they should still try their best to get every rabbit spayed and neutered.  Fights happen and they end in a bloody mess. This is because rabbits are very territorial, they will defend their territory at all costs. So, fights happen and sometimes the rabbit gets blinded, breaks bones, and gets a part of its body nipped off. And then infections happen, killing rabbits in massive droves.

This is very depressing and, in this case, there is little the world can do to make rabbit island a better place for rabbits. International pressure will force tourists not to go to Japan, and the rabbits will starve even more, but anyway for now it’s up to the Japanese people. I hope Japan makes this a better place, for now, all you can do is when you go to Japan buy lots of food and water, make sure it’s good quality and feed it to them, and don’t touch or cuddle with them when they are eating and/or drinking. I was hoping to give you some more ideas but that’s all we can do; the rest is in the hands of the Japanese people. It’s their choice and I hope they will choose the choice that will save innocent rabbit lives.

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