July 4, 2024


Whales are fascinating creatures; the blue whale is the largest mammal on the planet. Unfortunately, these creatures, sometimes things get bad when humans get involved. We started hunting them. Yeah, let me explain. Hunting whales may seem next to impossible to do. After all, the blue whale is the largest mammal on the planet! And they’re extremely intelligent but humanity is cunning and cruel and we like to call ourselves the smartest and the most advanced species on Earth. But how do we hunt whales?  Well, it’s not that hard for us humans. When we invented guns, and bombs, and made massive ships, that’s when whale hunting flourished. Hunters could shoot guns and bombs at the whales and there were also massive nets to catch them.

You might think their tough skin helps them to shield themselves from the bullets and the water also reduces the speed of the bullet. But the bombs dropped on them often contained poisonous gases and they were also very explosive which could kill not only the whale but other whales around it. The chemicals in the water make it dangerous for other marine life. Due to this reason whales have been facing extinction for a long time. This is complete madness. And whaling (whale hunting) flourished, even more, and now we have even more deadly weapons to hunt whales, this advantage allowed the whaling industry to thrive. Whale hunting also disrupts the ecosystem.

But why do we hunt whales at all? Well, the answer is blubber. Blubber is a thick layer of fat around the whale to keep it warm. But blubber is also something very attractive to humans. Why? Because with this material you can make a lot of stuff like soap, margarine, and oil–burning lamps. This is why we hunt whales. For our pleasure and greed.

Now all this is very depressing but there are things we can do to stop whaling from happening.

To become directly involved, you can adopt a whale through the World Wildlife Federation. Your donation to help organizations protect the species. Donate money! If you want to help indirectly, you can donate money directly to organizations to stop whaling. If all the nations in the world come together and make whaling illegal. We will be able not just whales but countless other species that depend on somehow or the other to survive and we would also be saving countless ecosystems. And this is why we all need to come together and stop whaling once and for all. 

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