July 7, 2024


I have a question for you. Do you live in the United States? More specifically, do you live in California? Well, for all of you that live in California. I have bad news for you then. You may have heard this on TV. But California is facing a crazy number of wildfires. The weather is incredibly hot not only in the jungles but also in the cities. And it’s costing the US billions of dollars to put them out. These fires are incredibly aggressive, they turn large swathes of fresh green land into just a place with burned trees, dead animals, and ash. And after the fire, you may think things get better. No things get worse. After the fire is completely lit it releases huge amounts of smoke killing more animals, destroying more ecosystems and polluting them, and also breaking the food web into pieces. And it doesn’t end there. The extreme heat increases in the cities and sometimes fire breaks out there killing people. People also get heat stroke sometimes. Animals, sometimes pets, have heat strokes. Sometimes people and/or animals get cancer. Smoke also causes respiratory diseases in both humans and animals. This is a huge problem that needs to be fixed ASAP. There are solutions to this, however:

1.      Support Organizations that are trying to solve this problem

2.      If you have a pet that goes out like a dog, keep them on dry grass and do not take them out on very hot days.

3.      Support Animal Rescue Organizations.

4.      Spread the message. Tell people about this problem in the United States.

The United States is going through a very tough period and its nature and fauna are also having a very hard time. At this time the US needs the support of other countries and it also needs to put more effort into trying to solve this problem. But if the US, countries, and other organizations cooperate the US just might be able to save millions of animals and entire ecosystems.

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