July 2, 2024

Planes have become an integrated part of our modern society. We use them to move around, ship cargo, get to places faster, etc. Planes are very important and they play a huge role in the global economy. They keep the global economy up and running.  Planes are also used for charitable purposes like animal conservation. Planes are truly a 21st century miracle.  However, along with these amazing advantages come many disadvantages. And one of those disadvantages is … Climate Change. Planes are not responsible for many greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.  But as our population grows there will be a crazy amount of people using planes for travel. And that will increase greenhouse gases in our atmosphere at an alarming rate.

 While I’m optimistic that we are going to find a solution, it’s going to take us a while to innovate green technologies that can be used in planes or used instead of planes. But there are the things that the general public can do to reduce their emissions when flying. I am going to give you some tips to reduce your carbon footprint when you are flying.

1.        For starters, you can pack less. The heavier an aircraft is the more fuel it requires to fly and that means more carbon emissions. If all of us pack less stuff and only take things that are important, then we could reduce our carbon footprint.

2.       Planes use most of their fuel when they are landing and taking off, if you fly directly without any stops then it would definitely reduce your carbon footprint. A lot less fuel is used meaning a lot less emissions.

3.       Choose the cheap seats. A study conducted by the World Bank shows that if you fly in business it is 3 times more than if you decided to choose the economy seats. There, the seats are smaller which means that more people can fly with the same amount of fuel.

4.       Also, you need to choose your airline carefully. Some airlines don’t really care about climate change, and their emissions are pretty high. Some airlines are more eco-friendly than others. Try to choose the most eco-friendly airline in your area

5.       Travel by your local airport. If you travel to airports far away from, and if you use a vehicle like a car that will increase the amount of greenhouse gases in your atmosphere. So try to use your local airline most of the time. That is another way to reduce your emissions.

6.       Offset your flight. There are hundreds of online calculators that can tell you how much greenhouse gases your flight is responsible for. And offset by investing in green technologies.

Many people say that it’s worthless doing all this, because it will reduce your carbon footprint when you are flying ever so slightly. However, I personally disagree, because I believe small actions can lead up to big results. If everybody does all these little things, then we might be able to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. While it’s true that these won’t change the emissions from aircraft, until green technologies take over, this is better than doing nothing at all.

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