July 7, 2024


The ocean is home to many marine animals.  Because of the ocean, we and all living beings get to enjoy the rainy season.  But over time, due to overfishing, the introduction of invasive species, and pollution of the ocean with plastic and other harmful chemicals that have polluted the ocean. Humans kill thousands of fish every day just to feed humans. If we all were vegan, then we wouldn’t have to kill fish. Predators would also have tons of food and they would not die because of starvation. Many people love to take a trip by ship and trust me, I get that. But sometimes blue whales and other sea animals collide with the boat and are fatally injured. Also, during the collision oil or any other harmful chemical might fall into the ocean. This could be very bad for marine life. Many sea creatures would die. Even if the ship didn’t collide with any sea creatures it would still affect marine life greatly.  This is because due to the loud sound underwater, sea animals could get stressed and sometimes the vibrations get so loud that the home of aquatic animals may break. Also, we need to stop overfishing or best stop doing any fishing at all. We also need to stop using plastic bags. Many people on the ship or beach use the plastic temporarily and then just throw it in the ocean! This could be bad because any animal could consume the plastic and then die of choking. If we do all these things then, slowly but surely the ocean will start to recover and marine life will again start to thrive.

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