July 7, 2024


If I asked you “what is your favourite food?”  You’d probably say “meat” But the meat that we eat comes from animals. Human beings are at the top of the food chain. They are apex predators meaning they have no natural enemies. Because of this high power, human beings take, they treat other living beings like plants and animals badly especially animals raised for meat. This is a very cruel act.  Human beings kill cows, pigs, turkeys, hens, and many more for food. Many people say “we do not eat meat for pleasure, we eat meat so that they can get vitamin B12.”  Many people don’t know but we don’t get B12 from meat, we actually get it from bacteria. Animals that are raised for meat are being fed vitamin B12. So instead of eating the animal, we can just eat the pill.  This reduces the cruelty a lot. If, we were all vegan we could have saved thousands of innocent animals.  The meat industry also pollutes the environment a lot. When live animals are transported for human food, the industry uses a lot of fuel and it pollutes the environment. During transport, the animals are dumped in the box with no care at all. There is so little space that the animals climb on of each other. Many animals even die during this shift. Not only that but if we all became vegan, we could save a lot of money and use less land and we need very little space for growing. It is the cheapest and the best option and we don’t have to clear more forests for farming animals. And poor people who can’t eat will also if we all become vegan. So, in short, we can save nature and animals if we all become vegan. So at least try to become vegan and keep in mind while you eating vegan that you are saving animals and the environment.

I invite all of you to watch a documentary called Earthlings for more information and to know what is happening.

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